Hey there!
I've been deep in Twitterland as of late and haven't been here as much. I do believe I've said that before too. Regardless, I still have love for the blog. It's my old school fav...
I did have a great show at Pianos last Friday, and video below to prove it. I had Dave Melton join me on Keys which was fantastic. Nothing like have a great band behind you to boost the performance. I did get one solo acoustic tune in there though...
Also! I will be heading into the studio on Sunday for the start of my new EP, hopefully to be due out in November. VERY excited to get theses tunes recorded with a full band and all slick-like...
So that's it for now, check in soon yeah?
Videos below!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Surf's Up Dude!

"i-i-i-i love youuuuuu
but i've been away from you so lo-o-o-o-ong..."
A month! I'm a ashamed....truly.... What's been shakin? Diggin on some summertime? You know fall is around the corner in a big way. I've been setting up some super great shows for the fall, which can be found over at www.myspace.com/dexterscott [obv].
I've also been finishing a bunch of recordings and getting them up for all y'all! They are most easily downloaded at www.soundcloud.com/dexterscott. I think Carefully is my fav as of right now...
I do, in fact, feel freaking great!! Been working on my ins and outs, LOTS of guitar playing, working on my voice and such. I love working. I love working because I know it makes me better. And I like to be better! Evolution! Growth!
Awww man...
Anywho, hopefully I'll see all you out and about at the open mics or at my shows. All of which are posted dutifully on my MySpace.
Love yourself today!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
My Equation
Houses in Maine are a good idea. Shops with limited edition Nike SBs are not. Maine is a peaceful place and when you want to take time out in life to just kick it, there may not be a better place to do it. Perhaps it's the proximity to all things Northeast, perhaps it's the colonial vibe, maybe it's the damn cute houses! Regardless, a visit to Maine would never be a bad decision. Unless in fact, you're looking to get those SBs in Plum before fall hits...
A month, just about a full one, since I've blogged. Tweeted a plenty. Shows I have played a many. But far off in the distance, my blogspot laid. Until now.
I feel as though I've grown tremendously, had an invigoration of the soul. I'd say MJ, summer, and my increased focus could be held responsible. For sure. I see the things I like about myself getting stronger and broader. The holes I cannot fix are much clearer. No longer do I feel like I am being tossed around (albeit playfully) by the world without my control. I have faith. I am executing. I still yearn but it spins upward.
I am for sure repeating myself here but this is just my mantra, my equation, my way of being. New numbers to plug in, new variables. But never a dull moment. Awareness is peaked! We're in the red!
Now, if only I had a passenger...
A month, just about a full one, since I've blogged. Tweeted a plenty. Shows I have played a many. But far off in the distance, my blogspot laid. Until now.
I feel as though I've grown tremendously, had an invigoration of the soul. I'd say MJ, summer, and my increased focus could be held responsible. For sure. I see the things I like about myself getting stronger and broader. The holes I cannot fix are much clearer. No longer do I feel like I am being tossed around (albeit playfully) by the world without my control. I have faith. I am executing. I still yearn but it spins upward.
I am for sure repeating myself here but this is just my mantra, my equation, my way of being. New numbers to plug in, new variables. But never a dull moment. Awareness is peaked! We're in the red!
Now, if only I had a passenger...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The King's Shadow

My diet as of late has consisted of coffee, whole grain pasta, falafel and protein bars. Is that good? Bad? Ugly? Beats me. I AM using Newman's Own pasta sauce however...
It feels pretty good, don't know if it's the healthiest but, "If it Makes you happyyyyyy, it can't be that baaaaaaaaaaaad." thanks Sheryl.
Speaking of her, how heavy was the Michael Jackson memorial today?!?! I was all choked up for pretty much the entire thing. I mean, he was the MASTER of the movement on the stage, and there he is......... MOTIONLESS in a casket. That alone is surreal to me.
His daughter, John Mayer sans vocals, Jermaine doing Smile... Such honest and powerful speakers too, nothing too out of line, save Usher who I thought crossed a serious line by touching MJs casket. That just me?
Berry Gordy coined it in an official setting, "the greatest entertainer who ever lived," Couldn't agree more.
Stevie Wonder obviously had such a powerful performance. I said this earlier today, but is Stevie not the perfect person to play a memorial service? His incredible Faith, not to mention vocal talent, is soooooooo soooothing, always capturing the intensity of the mood whenever he sings.... Luther Vandross, Obama inauguration, etc...
Michael Jackson was SO big. His songs were HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE. Only Michael could do Heal The World and We Are The World.
Hopefully people will lay off him now for being such an abstract recluse. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that the congresswoman reiterated that the justice system ACTUALLY works and that MJ was ACQUITTED... What's with that hater republican sounding off these past couple of days? Not hating on his affiliation, but maybe he's just having an identity crisis as those party members seem to be having nowadays... I digress...
I just feel really satisfied now that MJ was put on record for having a beautiful life that we all could love him for. I would hate for the noise of the media to drown out his message.
Never again a star of his magnitude. Such a great reminder of the American Dream. Perfection. Never giving up.
Positive thought, through and through....
Living in the King's shadow,

Monday, June 29, 2009
Coast To Coast

I slip off my nike's, kick back and soak up some rays as I write this to you. No I'm not in London, I'm taking in pixels from some HD ESPN to satiate my inner athlete. Though, I am watching the Devil Rays...
How are you oh-so-rare blog reader? Loving life?
I feel tired, but compelled to write you and share my current being. I am so happy with my perspective as of late. Peaceful in my own space, in my pure thoughts, that my guitar playing is fluid, my voice elastic.
For too long in my life I've felt like I wasn't good enough, in whatever form that may have been: musically, physically, emotionally...
But right now, I feel fucking GREAT. Sober, inspired, high on working hard and creating at every second of the day.
I hope you this resonates with you in some way.
"a piece of your LA way is seen... Shining from my head down to my feet"
To You,
Thursday, June 18, 2009

So, the proximity of the link for this blog to the top of my myspace page was a strategic move to force myself to write here. Lengthy that sentence was...
This is my collected digital self. This is my Domain. Literally! Digitally! Were I to say I did not like typing here, I would surely be lying. I WILL say that I definitely exhausted my share of entries on the train for a second there.
But more importantly, how are you? Do you find blogs lame? Well, it's a different medium, that's all. I hope that these words do not bore you, I just think that viewing one's written word is truly fantastic. More the thought process...
I was blown away reading David Pogue's iPhone article today. I just very much enjoyed his course of action in explaining such a dense subject in simple terms. Very organized he was. His blog is here: http://nytimes.com/pogue
Anywho, this rain has been far too intrusive today. Perhaps I can take the power back now...
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Can't you just FEEL the family in the air? Let's hear it for the moms!
This weekend was nice. Today was best. I think it was the weather and independence that did it for me. I think I'm hitting my stride. As in efficiency and rhythm. I feel as though my actions do in fact equal some desired result. Moreover, I think it's really been the garden maintenance I've been doing in weeding out all actions, people, place and thoughts that don't make me feeeel good.
I will say that I'm very tired. The train is very sedative. I think I just might falllll.... [yawn] ...I THINK I might faaaewlllll.... Ah... aaasssllleeeee
Saturday, May 9, 2009
People Wondering
^This is Kirsten
(I love people. Large groups are the best. So long as I can navigate through them. Or do the wave with them)
It's hotter than July on this train right now...
I do love traveling and do in fact partake quite. Train rides are incredibly romantic. Don't you think so?
"Yes I'm a man of many wishes, I hope..." this dense industrial zoning develops one day...... NJ mashup!
Now, does the beginning of this entry represent the exhaustion of my ability to focus and/or ................. [stares out the window for 45 seconds]. Ah I suppose this is Saturday morning, a time of reflection and Wondering how to improve. Having the time to do so perhaps? Seeing a sea change of kids and moms out before 3pm, grown men in shorts, slower public transportation...
Man, my heart is so ripe for the picking. So fertile, so protected, so fragile, so much sometimes.
Pull my strings if you want world, so long as it puts me in front of the people.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Metropolitan 20-something self-reflection device

To blog or not to blog...
Shakespeare man, what a guy!
Twitter is nice an all, but when your facebook wall looks like a self-created real-time wikipedia entry it's time to chill out on it. So here I am! Slightly more focused are these entries. Elaborate would be a better word...
Just passed New Hyde Park. I don't mind this LIRR business, or these Long Island shenanigans. Uncharted waters are where I like to swim. I believe I've said this before, but I do believe life will hoist me onto the next big plateau upon reaching an understanding of the Tri-State area. CT? Check. NJ? Half-way there, let's just call it a / for now... NYC? I think this is a check, save Staten Island. I mean, I took the Ferry when I was like 11, does that count? Long Island is most definitely foreign to me... So here I am!
Note: not to say that the Tri-State reigns supreme or anything, I do believe that it represents a perfect microcosm of the rest of the country. Northeastern Connecticut IS Kentucky... Seriously.
Maybe I'm waiting for the next plateau a bit too much. Maybe my discoveries of the past week ARE a new plateau and I've never realized it, or won't realize it until I'm older... God Bless Apple Inc. for this metropolitan 20-something self-reflection device. It's working wonders as my sole companion on this journey.
...OK... And my guitar...
...and my moleskin...
And you...
Friday, May 1, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Well Weaved

Hello world!
It sure is mighty nice when the sun is out. The collective mood of the community at large has been greatly lifted, wouldn't you say?
Central Park was mind-blowingly nice this weekend. Actually, all of NYC was mind-blowingly nice this weekend. Now CA is cool and all, but on the days when NYC has LA weather....... I really can't see why anyone would want to be anywhere else! (ok ok maybe I can, but it IS super nice out). Let the ballparks serve as the beach (or say Long Island) where people can CHILL and get their tan on... And in terms of mobility for enjoying the vast multitude of people and places, one can bring themselves and a wallet and go wherever they want! So intricately weaved were all the lives every New Yorker this weekend more than any weekend in a long time. Fantastico!!
I myself lived a little, had room to breathe, was out of my house for a full two days. Adventures in east Chinatown, Huntington, The UWS and Citifield all whilst performing career-centric activities. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
I think life itself is getting better... or perhaps I am learning to appreciate it more...Probs the latter.
Are you writing the very same blog entry? Maybe just thinking it? May I find out?
Eye contact made,
Thursday, April 23, 2009
thursday july 16th - 10pm @ the underscore [UES]
monday may 18th - 9pm @ the annex
thursday july 16th - 10pm @ the underscore [UES]
monday may 18th - 9pm @ the annex
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Downtown Blog Center Antics
[failed email posting]
Look what the work week does to innocent people! Makes them drink Diet Coke and put FedEx Paks on their heads! Oh the huMANity of it all!!
Luckily the Downtown Blog Center makes enough room for such antics. [Editor's note: this is a re-creation of this entry, and its hard! How to exactly re-create what I said when it was all spewn off the top of my noggen?]
Sam Cooke is insane. talk about some real tragedy...
[there was some serious irony I put at the end of this entry. Damn!]
I guess I've learned my lesson about trying to be TOO in-sync. [N*Sync]. I tried to iPhone this entry in. Boo complete synchronicity. Boo rigid scheduling. Hooray randomization. Randomization DOES include rigid scheduling FYI.
Ahh world...
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Why Hello!
Hello? Yello!!
What shakes me I hope shakes you. Starbucks is providing this lovely wifi right now and I am appreciative. Though, I am certainly not enjoying this "$3.95 per two hour block," so mundanely put! They're really not beating around the bush here, "Hey you, you WANT this internet? Well it's $3.95 for this BLOCK right here, oh yeah, only 2 hours too, so no fooling around..."
Regardless, I'm a super customer today, willingly taking this sales pitch as beauteousness. I did bring in rival coffee, gatorade and coldstone over the course of the day (and used their bathroom) so I think my equilibrium is in check.
Also, I have "launched" many a digital information set today regarding myself the entertainer. For THAT, I feel as though my equilibrium is in check. It feels great to consistently get BETTER and to STRIVE to BE better and eventually check in every so often to realize, hey, I DID get better! It sure feels good to write in here without posing questions or amidst a moderate lull of self-sufficience (or the like).
So onward! Onward into the frigid April night! (WTF). All is well over here. Very well.
I hope you will see this on my face from a million miles away. I hope you can feel this when I enter the room. I hope that you hope you can feel this way too. I hope that this lasts forever. I hope I can hope forever. And type forever but it seems I...
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Writing in you is like spooning and you know what? I LIKE spooning... These tweets, they mean nothing compared to you, for reals. I had a phase, sure I'm young, but I want full on love and you got it.
I find it hilarious that I write in here sometimes. So consumed with my own emotions I am sometimes. Let me rephrase, I am very CAREful with my emotions MOST times. Yes, I've got a heart, I know where it is and I certainly knows what it feels like to be broken: like it's been put in a VICE, tightening everytime a thought or person or pair of leggings or favorite band enters my consciousness, about as frequent as a 3 inch round flat rock skips across a still pond, fast and abrupt at first.
Until it no longer happens.
And we're here.
Writing in you is like spooning and you know what? I LIKE spooning... These tweets, they mean nothing compared to you, for reals. I had a phase, sure I'm young, but I want full on love and you got it.
I find it hilarious that I write in here sometimes. So consumed with my own emotions I am sometimes. Let me rephrase, I am very CAREful with my emotions MOST times. Yes, I've got a heart, I know where it is and I certainly knows what it feels like to be broken: like it's been put in a VICE, tightening everytime a thought or person or pair of leggings or favorite band enters my consciousness, about as frequent as a 3 inch round flat rock skips across a still pond, fast and abrupt at first.
Until it no longer happens.
And we're here.
booked >>>>>>>>
Wednesday June 3rd @ Matchless Bar in Brooklyn (NW corner of McCarren Park). 9pm
Wednesday June 3rd @ Matchless Bar in Brooklyn (NW corner of McCarren Park). 9pm
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Good Lighthearted Fun
Calls have been placed, guitar has been played, characters have been tweeted, yet here I am! Or you are...
I have in fact taken some time off from the blog, whereas tweets satiate my tech expression in little bite size pieces. Moreover, I certainly haven't felt compelled to say anything of worth, or whine over my current situation. I'd like to say I deal with said situations with quiet confidence but really, I just don't want to bother anyone, I brood in solitude...
I'm happy to report my master plan is unfolding quote nicely as of right now (perhaps the brooding wasn't in vain...), as I am headed to the studio tomorrow to lay down some honey soaked sonically saturated songs. Setting a nice foundation, or perhaps polishing the car that was given to me when I turned 18...regardless, the base of a brand new me that I can't help but be incrediby excited for! Text, sometimes you DONT do the trick... Oh wait... WAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I guess that'll work...
There I go being selfish again (though this is my blog...). How are you? Have you been treated well recently? Done something nice for someone else?
Sure hope so!
I am off to see I Love You, Man. Seems to be good lighthearted fun.
Your Neighborhood Friendly,
+Dexter Scott
P.S. Twitter has taken over as the medium for my Point of Possible Hilarity (and pretty much everyone else's), though I will integrate where possible! ---> Twitter.com/dexterscott
I have in fact taken some time off from the blog, whereas tweets satiate my tech expression in little bite size pieces. Moreover, I certainly haven't felt compelled to say anything of worth, or whine over my current situation. I'd like to say I deal with said situations with quiet confidence but really, I just don't want to bother anyone, I brood in solitude...
I'm happy to report my master plan is unfolding quote nicely as of right now (perhaps the brooding wasn't in vain...), as I am headed to the studio tomorrow to lay down some honey soaked sonically saturated songs. Setting a nice foundation, or perhaps polishing the car that was given to me when I turned 18...regardless, the base of a brand new me that I can't help but be incrediby excited for! Text, sometimes you DONT do the trick... Oh wait... WAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I guess that'll work...
There I go being selfish again (though this is my blog...). How are you? Have you been treated well recently? Done something nice for someone else?
Sure hope so!
I am off to see I Love You, Man. Seems to be good lighthearted fun.
Your Neighborhood Friendly,
+Dexter Scott
P.S. Twitter has taken over as the medium for my Point of Possible Hilarity (and pretty much everyone else's), though I will integrate where possible! ---> Twitter.com/dexterscott
Friday, March 6, 2009

Hollerers and Hollerettes,
Might I welcome you to this blog for the first time. If you have been reading these nonsensicals for eons now, here's my number: 305 458 6217, let's go on a date.
I do in fact feel chatty, almost in a high school girl kind of way. That does not mean that I feel as if I AM a high school girl, just talkative. I am in fact chained to my Downtown Blogging HQ for the full "work" day and until my partner in crime The Kirst returns from overseas.
Topics of Interest:
-Chris Brown "apparently" said some SUPER whack stuff
-Sharpies make THE best lines on post-its, and for that matter, all other mediums
-Whole grain pasta needs to be chewy-er. Somebody get on that...
-The Duane Reade in Herald Square is very poorly designed, regardless of the fact they have just become 24-hours. Roll up and you'll see...
So yeah, no need to elaborate on those I don't think. I DO think that snow in March is a bit strange, but my how it melts in 40 degree weather!
There are high levels of zanzibarsity in this entry, and I kinda like it.
What do you like?
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Common Combination

Keep rollin, rollin, rollin,
Slowdown you crazy child
Maybe the next song I write will have lyrics of artists that seem like non sequiturs in genre when put back to back... That was Limp Bizkit and Billy Joel for those keeping score at home.
When will you realize, Vienna waits for you...
Ok I'll stop. So let's hear it for the party-goers. The most envious people on the block. I don't think celebrities are even the most envious, but mostly what lifestyle they live. Perhaps, used as a justification for a lifestyle of partying, or even just the inspiration to live with as much freedom as possible. That's really what partying is, and I quote, "gotta leave that 9-5 up on the shelve and just enjoy yourself." I feel as though a significant amount of energy is wasted by those against partying, seeing it as merely getting drunk, when really getting drunk is just the inhibitor to be social or force oneself into the stupendous romance of the night being at your fingertips, no thought process whatsoever.
Note: this is not a advertisement for drinking and/or partying. The idea in itself is fantastic, welcoming, conformist in regards to who of one's social network (or neighborhood for that matter) is partaking in this common combination of actions.
Then again, opening a book or seeing a movie is just as liberating for some. Regardless, the same idea of freedom is still present. I really just wish we all find that in some form or another. There's nothing worse than being in a purgatory (especially if it's self imposed!) with no foreseeable exit strategy.
Perhaps that's what being young represents, the opportunity to lay a set foundation. Maybe it's just being healthy that enables such a freedom. Maybe it's an iPhone. Maybe it's a car. Maybe it's a song.
"Me I'm trying just to get to second base
And I'd steal it if she only gave the sign"
I'll be,
P.S.... PPH #5 shown above. Jersey City's Exchange Place. No clocks, no bathrooms, a maze of hallways, a very large set of escalators and neon lights. I felt like I fell into Myst set in a Las Vegas cellar. Asked around and got ZERO help, like robots reciting the same lines over and over. Yes I asked the same question twice (it didn't get answered). WTF.
Friday, February 27, 2009
You are always there, like a patiently waiting dog, unlike the one that ripped my Vans last week.
So it's Friday (enter reason to celebrate here____________________).
Mad Lib...
I am very _______(adj) today because Friday is _____________(adverb) to be the ________ (adj) Friday ever.
I am very happy today because Friday is most likely to be the newest Friday ever.
My show is coming up and I am thrilled. Hopefully the 4 people that peep this blog will show up.
[Tangent] Do I ever have a thing to report? Is this a cheap thrill for my daytime self? Does this take away from my pen to paper writing? Well, this certainly isn't prose...
People say journalism is over, as are the physical newspapers, and the record industry and the lucrative i-bank jobs, and MTV, and retail, and our democratic government, and Yahoo...
Ok maybe not that last one, but where's the permanence? Who or what is our beacon of hope? Is Barack REALLY that hope? I am not saying he isn't, but really, what is on the up? Tech? No brainer... Concerts? Possibly. Grad school admission? YUP.
Maybe this really is what a recession dictates, substantial change and restructuring. Isn't that the name of the game anyway? Maybe my ears hear the junk out there, but certainly too many people hypothesize about what's dead instead of what's living.
And the beat goes on (and on and on and on...)
UPDATE: I neglected to mention that Friday is in fact alive. And Saturday. So is Sunday...
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Chris Cornell's new album is awesome. a stretch at first, but yes.
So it's the birthday. 24 years complete. I did decide to celebrate it, albeit modestly, and I'm happy I did! Birthday's are inherently enriching. The ultimate upper. Great friends, great convo, peripheral family members chiming in. Fantastic.
I wanted to post some pictures from some wandering in BK this week. Perhaps I'm bonkers over brooklyn, but there's a reason why people love it so much. The strength of the community, the curiosity of each person there, the low decibel level! Sift through the hipsters and it's the place to be...
So I go, but below are photos.
Metropolitan Ave G-L Stop

El Beit!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The World Wide Web

But she don't care!
Help! dominates. The backing vocal on Help drove me wild in elementary school. Ok, uncool, I think that's two early school references in two days...
What did I learn today? Crunching numbers does nothing for credibility if it creates more variables and more room for error. Yeah, I guess I don't understand this whole, do as little as possible thing until some do-gooder makes a stance so that said person can get blamed were something to go wrong. If the numbers I crunched today pays off, people will think I was just doing my job. I get to start touring when? Yeah...
So I mentioned at the renaissance of this blog, I mentioned songs. I feel as though I will post one as soon as I can F-ing blink over here. Ok, so my lack of Internet MAY be a hindrance right now. Also, "Internet" is capitalized on the iPhone. SOOOO nerdy but I kind of love it.
Soy Milk,
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Conclusion in the house...
Blog, you're the one. I swear, I couldn't love another. You are a pair of jeans first worn. You are the sun at 5am in Miami. You're like french kissing for the first time, sexy but still wholly innocent.
To the point! Straight ahead drums forever please.
I want what works. It doesn't have to be normal, orthodox or avant-garde in it's fundamental nature just so long as it works it for me. As I said before, ice cream works for me right now. Short hair works for me right now. Hip hop works for me right now. Specifically Midnight Marauders or Beats Rhymes and Life. Or biggie. You'll most likely never see me "spit" my "flow," as evidenced by my quotes on said slang. But right now IT WORKS for me.
Will that work for you?
Thanks blog, I knew you'd understand.
A four day work week for America also works for me.
Con Cariño,
Dex Mex
Monday, February 16, 2009
ok.. so this is hilarious...
Point of Possible Hilarity #4:

So in case you need to clean your hands, this company has liquefied ALL OF NATURE into a plastic bottle to better serve YOU. Stop being so industrial, get some liquid nature!!

So in case you need to clean your hands, this company has liquefied ALL OF NATURE into a plastic bottle to better serve YOU. Stop being so industrial, get some liquid nature!!
you can do what you want to do...

"in living color..."
Anyone into that show? I so was, watched it on FOX when it was out, I was like 8...
So hello! I'd like to report a spike in team morale and as of Sunday morning, could be Presidents Day, could be that valentines day is over, as is my TMing...
I sit in South Orange at my rival dinner spot, which is far inferior but has a slightly better vibe. Sting is on the radio. I felt inclined to stay in yesterday and write even though I'm dying to see Kate Winslet in Revolutionary Road. There is/was quite the fuss about it and her.
The bigger picture:

No really, I will soon be out of this holding pattern, I promise. I am in extreme solitude out here but I'm working my pants off. I'd like to say this blog is to document my progress as a human being but its really that I just get bored and put myself on vocal rest...
My older brother Tiger is getting married in August. That scares me a bit. Not that I expect to be married anytime soon, it's just that it's so FINAL. He's OUT of the market. I suppose it solves a whole bunch of things in his life and lays the groundwork for many more complex features of this "ride" such as luxury seating, getting to and from places, and always having a passenger. I meanwhile find myself on a bike, with all my luggage strapped to my back. BUT I can leave the bike locked up for days on end for the sake of flexibility, even ditch it with no real consequences... Which reminds me, my bike is so at the train station and it's been there for at least 5 days. Real good.
Photos below from Lowell on Sunday...
Nothing Hilarious,
lowell memorial auditorium:

strange speaker set in hallway:

Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Valentine's Day
While I'm listening to Bobbie D live from 1964 right now, in Lowell, I feel like I've been living the first 6 tracks of The Love Below for quite some time now, maybe a year or so.
When o when will I be able to say: "my love, you are allowed to suck at everything you do"
(that's not mine, hence the ")
Wide Open,
Friday, February 13, 2009
It's "conquered"

Greetings from Concord NH!
New Hampshire is indeed the inverse on shape of Vermont, I KNEW you were thinking that...
The mini tour rages on, the guys had a great time last night. Went out and sang "Workin For a Livin" with Phil. Huey Lewis!
This will be brief but I MUST clue you into a PPH... Really PPH #3 contd...
We arrive in concord, it's SO cute, we roll up to White Mountain Organic Coffee, and I purchase a coffee and a vitamin water with my debit card. The nice girl with a D.A.R.E shirt on goes "oh Dexter? My favorite COP in town's last NAME is Dexter..." (?!) Ask and you shall receive! I forwent blabbing to her about this serendipitous cop motif on the weekend (I did tell Royal), and I am telling you my faithful reader.
Also, I have not been so comfortable in probably 12 months as I am this weekend. I do in fact sleep on a twin bed in my ex-Navy Uncle's house, though there's a queen in the next room (I don't actually SLEEP there...). I also keep the wireless Internet and tv at bay, all as a means of keeping myself more productive. So, needless to say, this onslaught of audio visual and OTA data is a bit of an overload! Really good to take a break from beating myself up in the grind. This is "work" though...
Blog conquered in Concord,
phil vassar:
the remote from my room. can you find the POWER button? yeah, the buttons for ORDER and MENU (which leads to ordering movies) are quite visible...
royal and eddie at "The Comfort":
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Moral compasses
So Phil Vassar is pretty tight. Great band he's got. Really like what he's doing. Nice guy too!
Now, this is going to blow your mind a little bit. In fact, PPH #3...
If you're up to date and everything, or happened to read the last post, I've alluded to my general lack of knowledge into the world of the cops. So I'm up here aside gilette stadium, doing my thing at the show, and I find myself standing next to, who else? a COP. A very cool cop no less. His name is Scott (yes) and immediately launched into how nobody understands "cop humor" as he likes to kid with the people that come up and ask him all "official" questions. I guess people think cops are moral compasses, "will I have time to go out to my car wrote the show starts?" I mean, truly, thats a quote!
Truly lovely stuff. Above is a pic of me and Scott loving life.
I'm also running on m&ms from 3pm, a pepsi, a coors light, and a brownie. WTF.
Luckily the girth of the expedition I'm driving will make up for any safety lost by my malnutrition. I think.
Holding it down,
Dexter Scott
wah bus fung
all kinds of macro right now...
What's up CT? Remember me? Word, I do in fact recall your presence as a "state" and all. Nice boats you guys got here. Lots of trees too. Maritime aquarium anyone?
"things done changed" as the late Notorious once said. How have they remained the same? The sun still shines, I still think up rhymes and I still scratch my head when approaching the homestead...
Everyone passed OUT on this bus. I feel obligated as a human being to stay awake and absorb this (relatively) unique situation. I have the SAME thoughts, going to the SAME places, under the SAME routine for ages that I'll "stretch myself for new adventure" because I'm just that curious about life... Call that a crime!
I wonder how cops view the world. Do they take their job as seriously as their pop culture image would entail?
And by the way, does this blog confuse the sugar out of you? I realize it's entirely tangential and silly, but it whets MY whistle so hey...
Back to the cops... Do they get satisfaction from nailing people for speeding or just see it as a job? Again I know nothing about to cop field and would like to be clued in. Holler at me?
"sit up, 10 minutes" says this dude.
I say nothing and hit Publish.
Daytime Darkness
So unbeknownst to me, a fair amount of people take the train at 5am from South Orange... All of which are hardcore (except for me of course). Just SEConds after stepping onto the doubledecker I notice the extra chiseled face of man and woman, one of which, the man, had a freaking advertisement on the back of his laptop! This is officially a plug for "InStoreVision"... Point of Possible Hilarity #2:
Right now you may be asking yourself, "what in the heck is Dexter doing on that train so early? Is he hardcore? Cause he totally just said that he isn't. Is he trying to be a banker? Isn't that profession dead? And isn't he a burgeoning songwriter and performer anyway? What's the deal?"
Well, let me explain.. Amidst my journey to musical self-sufficiency, one has to "struggle" and while I am certainly not on my last legs, nor am I here by choice, I must in fact take a train, to the city, to the Fung Wah bus, to Boston, to hang with One Flew South, as they play dates with Phil Vassar, comma splice, comma splice.
I will note that Bjørk is along for the ride. She lives in my lap. OK that's a lie, just currently she does. Might I also add that she is the perfect soundtrack for daytime darkness. "it's not meant... to be... a struggle up here..."
I love you blog. I'm glad sex won't ever ruin our relationship.
ps i make up words. k thanks
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Yellow from Orange,
Again I kid, I have no internet in Orange. I'm reporting from my Downtown Manhattan Blog Center.
All is well? Ok cool. Details in visual form from my life in the past few days:
This is an ottoman in strange fashion. It looks as if it would be comfortable, but my legs fall asleep every time. Like, every time. Not comfy...

When I'm feeling naughty, I hang with my part time lover

the gaslight's charming dining room. they ALWAYS play classic beatles here, please please me and shizzz

highand avenue

stop for great late nights

mike the computer man and atley the gnome

scenic jersey from the train

my digitally converted tv, peep the antenna!
Again I kid, I have no internet in Orange. I'm reporting from my Downtown Manhattan Blog Center.
All is well? Ok cool. Details in visual form from my life in the past few days:
This is an ottoman in strange fashion. It looks as if it would be comfortable, but my legs fall asleep every time. Like, every time. Not comfy...

When I'm feeling naughty, I hang with my part time lover

the gaslight's charming dining room. they ALWAYS play classic beatles here, please please me and shizzz

highand avenue

stop for great late nights

mike the computer man and atley the gnome

scenic jersey from the train

my digitally converted tv, peep the antenna!

Monday, February 9, 2009
1 2 1 2

Two Penn Plaza is where I now sit. Aka "The Garden" to many. Such a Mecca for music and sports fans alike, a true embodiment of NYC and it's culture.
And how bout this weather? I joke because you're probably reading this at LEAST a week after I have written it, but when isn't it a good time to celebrate the weather... Anyways
Jennifer Hudson was so powerful last night at the Grammys. Probably the one time she'll be forgiven for not ripping a high note because she straight up couldn't HANDLE it. The poor woman has through so much.... So amazing she even got up there to sing in the first place.
And how bout Dave Grohl playing drums for Paul McCartney AND Kurt Cobain in a lifetime... Truly awesome for a pop musician.
So update time....
New songs will be posted on Sunday pending the weather... (joke). I'm not funny. Working on that Martin. We've been seeing each othe pretty regularly and I think it's picking up steam. I am on the rebound so I'd really like to take it slow, but there's just something about Martin that just DOES it for me. I mean, having 6 strings so beautifully laid across that fretboard.... mmm mmmm. We're gonna get married, I can tell. This is the ONE.
What? The land of the free?

Two Penn Plaza is where I now sit. Aka "The Garden" to many. Such a Mecca for music and sports fans alike, a true embodiment of NYC and it's culture.
And how bout this weather? I joke because you're probably reading this at LEAST a week after I have written it, but when isn't it a good time to celebrate the weather... Anyways
Jennifer Hudson was so powerful last night at the Grammys. Probably the one time she'll be forgiven for not ripping a high note because she straight up couldn't HANDLE it. The poor woman has through so much.... So amazing she even got up there to sing in the first place.
And how bout Dave Grohl playing drums for Paul McCartney AND Kurt Cobain in a lifetime... Truly awesome for a pop musician.
So update time....
New songs will be posted on Sunday pending the weather... (joke). I'm not funny. Working on that Martin. We've been seeing each othe pretty regularly and I think it's picking up steam. I am on the rebound so I'd really like to take it slow, but there's just something about Martin that just DOES it for me. I mean, having 6 strings so beautifully laid across that fretboard.... mmm mmmm. We're gonna get married, I can tell. This is the ONE.
What? The land of the free?
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Iced cream

Your faithful leader here. Yes I'm talking to myself.
Hello Reader,
How are you? I write from the left seat of a now vacant two seat row of a middle car on the Dover line out of Penn Station. I just took the outside seat due to a gentleman wanting to occupy the one vacant seat to my right, once again, cause I had to get up and let him out at the very first stop. "oh no man it's cool, I'm getting off at Secacus..." was not heard by these ears.
Then again he couldve said it because I'm being marauded by Alison Krauss and Robert Plant, a record that is entirely worth your time. I promise.
What to report? Well, for one I bought ice cream last night and I couldn't be happier. I've also improved significantly on my acoustic chops, thus the reward of a cold pint of ben and jerrys. I was forced to get it at CVS given the hour I was destined to purchase it, so I had to get only half of my favorite flavour in Cookie Dough. And to my befuddlement, the only two flavours CVS, maybe just this CVS, stocks are Cookie Dough and Cherry Garcia. Are those the best sellers? No phishfood or chunkey monkey? Not that I dig on them, just wondering...
Also, point of possible hilarity, would be that at Newark Broad Street, the station I am currently "changing" at has a waiting room, unheated, that is the size of a key makers store, sits like 30 feet from the INTERSTATE... Not even JOKING about the aesthetics over at NJ Transit, they don't give a damn! Maybe I shouldn't either, but how bout some safety concerns over here... Oh wait... Look at that chickenwire fence over there.....niiiiice work guys...
So yeah, my commute rules. Will post photos in the morn.
Waiting for you,
(am):I mean LOOK!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
orange new jersey
greetings from new york city
wait, what?
yes, i live in orange new jersey.
i want to share with you a bit of my life of recording and celibacy...
my green light

my audience

my late night lover

my team

view from C deck

see it all here: http://tinyurl.com/arrscs
love you,
wait, what?
yes, i live in orange new jersey.
i want to share with you a bit of my life of recording and celibacy...
my green light

my audience

my late night lover

my team

view from C deck

see it all here: http://tinyurl.com/arrscs
love you,
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