Greetings from Concord NH!
New Hampshire is indeed the inverse on shape of Vermont, I KNEW you were thinking that...
The mini tour rages on, the guys had a great time last night. Went out and sang "Workin For a Livin" with Phil. Huey Lewis!
This will be brief but I MUST clue you into a PPH... Really PPH #3 contd...
We arrive in concord, it's SO cute, we roll up to White Mountain Organic Coffee, and I purchase a coffee and a vitamin water with my debit card. The nice girl with a D.A.R.E shirt on goes "oh Dexter? My favorite COP in town's last NAME is Dexter..." (?!) Ask and you shall receive! I forwent blabbing to her about this serendipitous cop motif on the weekend (I did tell Royal), and I am telling you my faithful reader.
Also, I have not been so comfortable in probably 12 months as I am this weekend. I do in fact sleep on a twin bed in my ex-Navy Uncle's house, though there's a queen in the next room (I don't actually SLEEP there...). I also keep the wireless Internet and tv at bay, all as a means of keeping myself more productive. So, needless to say, this onslaught of audio visual and OTA data is a bit of an overload! Really good to take a break from beating myself up in the grind. This is "work" though...
Blog conquered in Concord,
phil vassar:
the remote from my room. can you find the POWER button? yeah, the buttons for ORDER and MENU (which leads to ordering movies) are quite visible...
royal and eddie at "The Comfort":
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