Why Hello!
Hello? Yello!!
What shakes me I hope shakes you. Starbucks is providing this lovely wifi right now and I am appreciative. Though, I am certainly not enjoying this "$3.95 per two hour block," so mundanely put! They're really not beating around the bush here, "Hey you, you WANT this internet? Well it's $3.95 for this BLOCK right here, oh yeah, only 2 hours too, so no fooling around..."
Regardless, I'm a super customer today, willingly taking this sales pitch as beauteousness. I did bring in rival coffee, gatorade and coldstone over the course of the day (and used their bathroom) so I think my equilibrium is in check.
Also, I have "launched" many a digital information set today regarding myself the entertainer. For THAT, I feel as though my equilibrium is in check. It feels great to consistently get BETTER and to STRIVE to BE better and eventually check in every so often to realize, hey, I DID get better! It sure feels good to write in here without posing questions or amidst a moderate lull of self-sufficience (or the like).
So onward! Onward into the frigid April night! (WTF). All is well over here. Very well.
I hope you will see this on my face from a million miles away. I hope you can feel this when I enter the room. I hope that you hope you can feel this way too. I hope that this lasts forever. I hope I can hope forever. And type forever but it seems I...
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