So unbeknownst to me, a fair amount of people take the train at 5am from South Orange... All of which are hardcore (except for me of course). Just SEConds after stepping onto the doubledecker I notice the extra chiseled face of man and woman, one of which, the man, had a freaking advertisement on the back of his laptop! This is officially a plug for "InStoreVision"... Point of Possible Hilarity #2:
Right now you may be asking yourself, "what in the heck is Dexter doing on that train so early? Is he hardcore? Cause he totally just said that he isn't. Is he trying to be a banker? Isn't that profession dead? And isn't he a burgeoning songwriter and performer anyway? What's the deal?"
Well, let me explain.. Amidst my journey to musical self-sufficiency, one has to "struggle" and while I am certainly not on my last legs, nor am I here by choice, I must in fact take a train, to the city, to the Fung Wah bus, to Boston, to hang with One Flew South, as they play dates with Phil Vassar, comma splice, comma splice.
I will note that Bjørk is along for the ride. She lives in my lap. OK that's a lie, just currently she does. Might I also add that she is the perfect soundtrack for daytime darkness. "it's not meant... to be... a struggle up here..."
I love you blog. I'm glad sex won't ever ruin our relationship.
ps i make up words. k thanks
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