I slip off my nike's, kick back and soak up some rays as I write this to you. No I'm not in London, I'm taking in pixels from some HD ESPN to satiate my inner athlete. Though, I am watching the Devil Rays...
How are you oh-so-rare blog reader? Loving life?
I feel tired, but compelled to write you and share my current being. I am so happy with my perspective as of late. Peaceful in my own space, in my pure thoughts, that my guitar playing is fluid, my voice elastic.
For too long in my life I've felt like I wasn't good enough, in whatever form that may have been: musically, physically, emotionally...
But right now, I feel fucking GREAT. Sober, inspired, high on working hard and creating at every second of the day.
I hope you this resonates with you in some way.
"a piece of your LA way is seen... Shining from my head down to my feet"
To You,
1 comment:
As a warm, living, breathing, and real reader, I feel compelled to respond.
It is lovely to read that you feel so fucking great. I like knowing that people I know are in good spots.
And myself? I am currently recovering from my 5th back surgery since 2004, but I think this is the last one. I wear a brace during the day, which can be okay...and can suck. I can't really go out, grrr.
And sobriety...I will be 11 months sober on the 4th. On days when I'm furiously pissed at my back, I remind myself of all the things I've taught myself to do in place of drugs, and I feel less pissed and very proud.
Been reading lots of books, and discovering fantastic new music. I make jewelry and collages. Probably watching too much tv.
Come fall, I will shed the brace and go back to school for my master's. I'll be taking my life in the direction that I've wanted it to go for awhile. My body is healing, my brain is clear, and I have trajectory.
I feel lucky - blessed - strong. I did this all myself.
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