Your faithful leader here. Yes I'm talking to myself.
Hello Reader,
How are you? I write from the left seat of a now vacant two seat row of a middle car on the Dover line out of Penn Station. I just took the outside seat due to a gentleman wanting to occupy the one vacant seat to my right, once again, cause I had to get up and let him out at the very first stop. "oh no man it's cool, I'm getting off at Secacus..." was not heard by these ears.
Then again he couldve said it because I'm being marauded by Alison Krauss and Robert Plant, a record that is entirely worth your time. I promise.
What to report? Well, for one I bought ice cream last night and I couldn't be happier. I've also improved significantly on my acoustic chops, thus the reward of a cold pint of ben and jerrys. I was forced to get it at CVS given the hour I was destined to purchase it, so I had to get only half of my favorite flavour in Cookie Dough. And to my befuddlement, the only two flavours CVS, maybe just this CVS, stocks are Cookie Dough and Cherry Garcia. Are those the best sellers? No phishfood or chunkey monkey? Not that I dig on them, just wondering...
Also, point of possible hilarity, would be that at Newark Broad Street, the station I am currently "changing" at has a waiting room, unheated, that is the size of a key makers store, sits like 30 feet from the INTERSTATE... Not even JOKING about the aesthetics over at NJ Transit, they don't give a damn! Maybe I shouldn't either, but how bout some safety concerns over here... Oh wait... Look at that chickenwire fence over there.....niiiiice work guys...
So yeah, my commute rules. Will post photos in the morn.
Waiting for you,
(am):I mean LOOK!

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