Hollerers and Hollerettes,
Might I welcome you to this blog for the first time. If you have been reading these nonsensicals for eons now, here's my number: 305 458 6217, let's go on a date.
I do in fact feel chatty, almost in a high school girl kind of way. That does not mean that I feel as if I AM a high school girl, just talkative. I am in fact chained to my Downtown Blogging HQ for the full "work" day and until my partner in crime The Kirst returns from overseas.
Topics of Interest:
-Chris Brown "apparently" said some SUPER whack stuff
-Sharpies make THE best lines on post-its, and for that matter, all other mediums
-Whole grain pasta needs to be chewy-er. Somebody get on that...
-The Duane Reade in Herald Square is very poorly designed, regardless of the fact they have just become 24-hours. Roll up and you'll see...
So yeah, no need to elaborate on those I don't think. I DO think that snow in March is a bit strange, but my how it melts in 40 degree weather!
There are high levels of zanzibarsity in this entry, and I kinda like it.
What do you like?
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