You are always there, like a patiently waiting dog, unlike the one that ripped my Vans last week.
So it's Friday (enter reason to celebrate here____________________).
Mad Lib...
I am very _______(adj) today because Friday is _____________(adverb) to be the ________ (adj) Friday ever.
I am very happy today because Friday is most likely to be the newest Friday ever.
My show is coming up and I am thrilled. Hopefully the 4 people that peep this blog will show up.
[Tangent] Do I ever have a thing to report? Is this a cheap thrill for my daytime self? Does this take away from my pen to paper writing? Well, this certainly isn't prose...
People say journalism is over, as are the physical newspapers, and the record industry and the lucrative i-bank jobs, and MTV, and retail, and our democratic government, and Yahoo...
Ok maybe not that last one, but where's the permanence? Who or what is our beacon of hope? Is Barack REALLY that hope? I am not saying he isn't, but really, what is on the up? Tech? No brainer... Concerts? Possibly. Grad school admission? YUP.
Maybe this really is what a recession dictates, substantial change and restructuring. Isn't that the name of the game anyway? Maybe my ears hear the junk out there, but certainly too many people hypothesize about what's dead instead of what's living.
And the beat goes on (and on and on and on...)
UPDATE: I neglected to mention that Friday is in fact alive. And Saturday. So is Sunday...