Hey there!
I've been deep in Twitterland as of late and haven't been here as much. I do believe I've said that before too. Regardless, I still have love for the blog. It's my old school fav...
I did have a great show at Pianos last Friday, and video below to prove it. I had Dave Melton join me on Keys which was fantastic. Nothing like have a great band behind you to boost the performance. I did get one solo acoustic tune in there though...
Also! I will be heading into the studio on Sunday for the start of my new EP, hopefully to be due out in November. VERY excited to get theses tunes recorded with a full band and all slick-like...
So that's it for now, check in soon yeah?
Videos below!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Surf's Up Dude!

"i-i-i-i love youuuuuu
but i've been away from you so lo-o-o-o-ong..."
A month! I'm a ashamed....truly.... What's been shakin? Diggin on some summertime? You know fall is around the corner in a big way. I've been setting up some super great shows for the fall, which can be found over at www.myspace.com/dexterscott [obv].
I've also been finishing a bunch of recordings and getting them up for all y'all! They are most easily downloaded at www.soundcloud.com/dexterscott. I think Carefully is my fav as of right now...
I do, in fact, feel freaking great!! Been working on my ins and outs, LOTS of guitar playing, working on my voice and such. I love working. I love working because I know it makes me better. And I like to be better! Evolution! Growth!
Awww man...
Anywho, hopefully I'll see all you out and about at the open mics or at my shows. All of which are posted dutifully on my MySpace.
Love yourself today!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
My Equation
Houses in Maine are a good idea. Shops with limited edition Nike SBs are not. Maine is a peaceful place and when you want to take time out in life to just kick it, there may not be a better place to do it. Perhaps it's the proximity to all things Northeast, perhaps it's the colonial vibe, maybe it's the damn cute houses! Regardless, a visit to Maine would never be a bad decision. Unless in fact, you're looking to get those SBs in Plum before fall hits...
A month, just about a full one, since I've blogged. Tweeted a plenty. Shows I have played a many. But far off in the distance, my blogspot laid. Until now.
I feel as though I've grown tremendously, had an invigoration of the soul. I'd say MJ, summer, and my increased focus could be held responsible. For sure. I see the things I like about myself getting stronger and broader. The holes I cannot fix are much clearer. No longer do I feel like I am being tossed around (albeit playfully) by the world without my control. I have faith. I am executing. I still yearn but it spins upward.
I am for sure repeating myself here but this is just my mantra, my equation, my way of being. New numbers to plug in, new variables. But never a dull moment. Awareness is peaked! We're in the red!
Now, if only I had a passenger...
A month, just about a full one, since I've blogged. Tweeted a plenty. Shows I have played a many. But far off in the distance, my blogspot laid. Until now.
I feel as though I've grown tremendously, had an invigoration of the soul. I'd say MJ, summer, and my increased focus could be held responsible. For sure. I see the things I like about myself getting stronger and broader. The holes I cannot fix are much clearer. No longer do I feel like I am being tossed around (albeit playfully) by the world without my control. I have faith. I am executing. I still yearn but it spins upward.
I am for sure repeating myself here but this is just my mantra, my equation, my way of being. New numbers to plug in, new variables. But never a dull moment. Awareness is peaked! We're in the red!
Now, if only I had a passenger...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The King's Shadow

My diet as of late has consisted of coffee, whole grain pasta, falafel and protein bars. Is that good? Bad? Ugly? Beats me. I AM using Newman's Own pasta sauce however...
It feels pretty good, don't know if it's the healthiest but, "If it Makes you happyyyyyy, it can't be that baaaaaaaaaaaad." thanks Sheryl.
Speaking of her, how heavy was the Michael Jackson memorial today?!?! I was all choked up for pretty much the entire thing. I mean, he was the MASTER of the movement on the stage, and there he is......... MOTIONLESS in a casket. That alone is surreal to me.
His daughter, John Mayer sans vocals, Jermaine doing Smile... Such honest and powerful speakers too, nothing too out of line, save Usher who I thought crossed a serious line by touching MJs casket. That just me?
Berry Gordy coined it in an official setting, "the greatest entertainer who ever lived," Couldn't agree more.
Stevie Wonder obviously had such a powerful performance. I said this earlier today, but is Stevie not the perfect person to play a memorial service? His incredible Faith, not to mention vocal talent, is soooooooo soooothing, always capturing the intensity of the mood whenever he sings.... Luther Vandross, Obama inauguration, etc...
Michael Jackson was SO big. His songs were HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE. Only Michael could do Heal The World and We Are The World.
Hopefully people will lay off him now for being such an abstract recluse. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that the congresswoman reiterated that the justice system ACTUALLY works and that MJ was ACQUITTED... What's with that hater republican sounding off these past couple of days? Not hating on his affiliation, but maybe he's just having an identity crisis as those party members seem to be having nowadays... I digress...
I just feel really satisfied now that MJ was put on record for having a beautiful life that we all could love him for. I would hate for the noise of the media to drown out his message.
Never again a star of his magnitude. Such a great reminder of the American Dream. Perfection. Never giving up.
Positive thought, through and through....
Living in the King's shadow,

Monday, June 29, 2009
Coast To Coast

I slip off my nike's, kick back and soak up some rays as I write this to you. No I'm not in London, I'm taking in pixels from some HD ESPN to satiate my inner athlete. Though, I am watching the Devil Rays...
How are you oh-so-rare blog reader? Loving life?
I feel tired, but compelled to write you and share my current being. I am so happy with my perspective as of late. Peaceful in my own space, in my pure thoughts, that my guitar playing is fluid, my voice elastic.
For too long in my life I've felt like I wasn't good enough, in whatever form that may have been: musically, physically, emotionally...
But right now, I feel fucking GREAT. Sober, inspired, high on working hard and creating at every second of the day.
I hope you this resonates with you in some way.
"a piece of your LA way is seen... Shining from my head down to my feet"
To You,
Thursday, June 18, 2009

So, the proximity of the link for this blog to the top of my myspace page was a strategic move to force myself to write here. Lengthy that sentence was...
This is my collected digital self. This is my Domain. Literally! Digitally! Were I to say I did not like typing here, I would surely be lying. I WILL say that I definitely exhausted my share of entries on the train for a second there.
But more importantly, how are you? Do you find blogs lame? Well, it's a different medium, that's all. I hope that these words do not bore you, I just think that viewing one's written word is truly fantastic. More the thought process...
I was blown away reading David Pogue's iPhone article today. I just very much enjoyed his course of action in explaining such a dense subject in simple terms. Very organized he was. His blog is here: http://nytimes.com/pogue
Anywho, this rain has been far too intrusive today. Perhaps I can take the power back now...
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Can't you just FEEL the family in the air? Let's hear it for the moms!
This weekend was nice. Today was best. I think it was the weather and independence that did it for me. I think I'm hitting my stride. As in efficiency and rhythm. I feel as though my actions do in fact equal some desired result. Moreover, I think it's really been the garden maintenance I've been doing in weeding out all actions, people, place and thoughts that don't make me feeeel good.
I will say that I'm very tired. The train is very sedative. I think I just might falllll.... [yawn] ...I THINK I might faaaewlllll.... Ah... aaasssllleeeee
Saturday, May 9, 2009
People Wondering
^This is Kirsten
(I love people. Large groups are the best. So long as I can navigate through them. Or do the wave with them)
It's hotter than July on this train right now...
I do love traveling and do in fact partake quite. Train rides are incredibly romantic. Don't you think so?
"Yes I'm a man of many wishes, I hope..." this dense industrial zoning develops one day...... NJ mashup!
Now, does the beginning of this entry represent the exhaustion of my ability to focus and/or ................. [stares out the window for 45 seconds]. Ah I suppose this is Saturday morning, a time of reflection and Wondering how to improve. Having the time to do so perhaps? Seeing a sea change of kids and moms out before 3pm, grown men in shorts, slower public transportation...
Man, my heart is so ripe for the picking. So fertile, so protected, so fragile, so much sometimes.
Pull my strings if you want world, so long as it puts me in front of the people.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Metropolitan 20-something self-reflection device

To blog or not to blog...
Shakespeare man, what a guy!
Twitter is nice an all, but when your facebook wall looks like a self-created real-time wikipedia entry it's time to chill out on it. So here I am! Slightly more focused are these entries. Elaborate would be a better word...
Just passed New Hyde Park. I don't mind this LIRR business, or these Long Island shenanigans. Uncharted waters are where I like to swim. I believe I've said this before, but I do believe life will hoist me onto the next big plateau upon reaching an understanding of the Tri-State area. CT? Check. NJ? Half-way there, let's just call it a / for now... NYC? I think this is a check, save Staten Island. I mean, I took the Ferry when I was like 11, does that count? Long Island is most definitely foreign to me... So here I am!
Note: not to say that the Tri-State reigns supreme or anything, I do believe that it represents a perfect microcosm of the rest of the country. Northeastern Connecticut IS Kentucky... Seriously.
Maybe I'm waiting for the next plateau a bit too much. Maybe my discoveries of the past week ARE a new plateau and I've never realized it, or won't realize it until I'm older... God Bless Apple Inc. for this metropolitan 20-something self-reflection device. It's working wonders as my sole companion on this journey.
...OK... And my guitar...
...and my moleskin...
And you...
Friday, May 1, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Well Weaved

Hello world!
It sure is mighty nice when the sun is out. The collective mood of the community at large has been greatly lifted, wouldn't you say?
Central Park was mind-blowingly nice this weekend. Actually, all of NYC was mind-blowingly nice this weekend. Now CA is cool and all, but on the days when NYC has LA weather....... I really can't see why anyone would want to be anywhere else! (ok ok maybe I can, but it IS super nice out). Let the ballparks serve as the beach (or say Long Island) where people can CHILL and get their tan on... And in terms of mobility for enjoying the vast multitude of people and places, one can bring themselves and a wallet and go wherever they want! So intricately weaved were all the lives every New Yorker this weekend more than any weekend in a long time. Fantastico!!
I myself lived a little, had room to breathe, was out of my house for a full two days. Adventures in east Chinatown, Huntington, The UWS and Citifield all whilst performing career-centric activities. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
I think life itself is getting better... or perhaps I am learning to appreciate it more...Probs the latter.
Are you writing the very same blog entry? Maybe just thinking it? May I find out?
Eye contact made,
Thursday, April 23, 2009
thursday july 16th - 10pm @ the underscore [UES]
monday may 18th - 9pm @ the annex
thursday july 16th - 10pm @ the underscore [UES]
monday may 18th - 9pm @ the annex
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Downtown Blog Center Antics
[failed email posting]
Look what the work week does to innocent people! Makes them drink Diet Coke and put FedEx Paks on their heads! Oh the huMANity of it all!!
Luckily the Downtown Blog Center makes enough room for such antics. [Editor's note: this is a re-creation of this entry, and its hard! How to exactly re-create what I said when it was all spewn off the top of my noggen?]
Sam Cooke is insane. talk about some real tragedy...
[there was some serious irony I put at the end of this entry. Damn!]
I guess I've learned my lesson about trying to be TOO in-sync. [N*Sync]. I tried to iPhone this entry in. Boo complete synchronicity. Boo rigid scheduling. Hooray randomization. Randomization DOES include rigid scheduling FYI.
Ahh world...
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Why Hello!
Hello? Yello!!
What shakes me I hope shakes you. Starbucks is providing this lovely wifi right now and I am appreciative. Though, I am certainly not enjoying this "$3.95 per two hour block," so mundanely put! They're really not beating around the bush here, "Hey you, you WANT this internet? Well it's $3.95 for this BLOCK right here, oh yeah, only 2 hours too, so no fooling around..."
Regardless, I'm a super customer today, willingly taking this sales pitch as beauteousness. I did bring in rival coffee, gatorade and coldstone over the course of the day (and used their bathroom) so I think my equilibrium is in check.
Also, I have "launched" many a digital information set today regarding myself the entertainer. For THAT, I feel as though my equilibrium is in check. It feels great to consistently get BETTER and to STRIVE to BE better and eventually check in every so often to realize, hey, I DID get better! It sure feels good to write in here without posing questions or amidst a moderate lull of self-sufficience (or the like).
So onward! Onward into the frigid April night! (WTF). All is well over here. Very well.
I hope you will see this on my face from a million miles away. I hope you can feel this when I enter the room. I hope that you hope you can feel this way too. I hope that this lasts forever. I hope I can hope forever. And type forever but it seems I...
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Writing in you is like spooning and you know what? I LIKE spooning... These tweets, they mean nothing compared to you, for reals. I had a phase, sure I'm young, but I want full on love and you got it.
I find it hilarious that I write in here sometimes. So consumed with my own emotions I am sometimes. Let me rephrase, I am very CAREful with my emotions MOST times. Yes, I've got a heart, I know where it is and I certainly knows what it feels like to be broken: like it's been put in a VICE, tightening everytime a thought or person or pair of leggings or favorite band enters my consciousness, about as frequent as a 3 inch round flat rock skips across a still pond, fast and abrupt at first.
Until it no longer happens.
And we're here.
Writing in you is like spooning and you know what? I LIKE spooning... These tweets, they mean nothing compared to you, for reals. I had a phase, sure I'm young, but I want full on love and you got it.
I find it hilarious that I write in here sometimes. So consumed with my own emotions I am sometimes. Let me rephrase, I am very CAREful with my emotions MOST times. Yes, I've got a heart, I know where it is and I certainly knows what it feels like to be broken: like it's been put in a VICE, tightening everytime a thought or person or pair of leggings or favorite band enters my consciousness, about as frequent as a 3 inch round flat rock skips across a still pond, fast and abrupt at first.
Until it no longer happens.
And we're here.
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