Calls have been placed, guitar has been played, characters have been tweeted, yet here I am! Or you are...
I have in fact taken some time off from the blog, whereas tweets satiate my tech expression in little bite size pieces. Moreover, I certainly haven't felt compelled to say anything of worth, or whine over my current situation. I'd like to say I deal with said situations with quiet confidence but really, I just don't want to bother anyone, I brood in solitude...
I'm happy to report my master plan is unfolding quote nicely as of right now (perhaps the brooding wasn't in vain...), as I am headed to the studio tomorrow to lay down some honey soaked sonically saturated songs. Setting a nice foundation, or perhaps polishing the car that was given to me when I turned 18...regardless, the base of a brand new me that I can't help but be incrediby excited for! Text, sometimes you DONT do the trick... Oh wait... WAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I guess that'll work...
There I go being selfish again (though this is my blog...). How are you? Have you been treated well recently? Done something nice for someone else?
Sure hope so!
I am off to see I Love You, Man. Seems to be good lighthearted fun.
Your Neighborhood Friendly,
+Dexter Scott
P.S. Twitter has taken over as the medium for my Point of Possible Hilarity (and pretty much everyone else's), though I will integrate where possible! --->
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009

Hollerers and Hollerettes,
Might I welcome you to this blog for the first time. If you have been reading these nonsensicals for eons now, here's my number: 305 458 6217, let's go on a date.
I do in fact feel chatty, almost in a high school girl kind of way. That does not mean that I feel as if I AM a high school girl, just talkative. I am in fact chained to my Downtown Blogging HQ for the full "work" day and until my partner in crime The Kirst returns from overseas.
Topics of Interest:
-Chris Brown "apparently" said some SUPER whack stuff
-Sharpies make THE best lines on post-its, and for that matter, all other mediums
-Whole grain pasta needs to be chewy-er. Somebody get on that...
-The Duane Reade in Herald Square is very poorly designed, regardless of the fact they have just become 24-hours. Roll up and you'll see...
So yeah, no need to elaborate on those I don't think. I DO think that snow in March is a bit strange, but my how it melts in 40 degree weather!
There are high levels of zanzibarsity in this entry, and I kinda like it.
What do you like?
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Common Combination

Keep rollin, rollin, rollin,
Slowdown you crazy child
Maybe the next song I write will have lyrics of artists that seem like non sequiturs in genre when put back to back... That was Limp Bizkit and Billy Joel for those keeping score at home.
When will you realize, Vienna waits for you...
Ok I'll stop. So let's hear it for the party-goers. The most envious people on the block. I don't think celebrities are even the most envious, but mostly what lifestyle they live. Perhaps, used as a justification for a lifestyle of partying, or even just the inspiration to live with as much freedom as possible. That's really what partying is, and I quote, "gotta leave that 9-5 up on the shelve and just enjoy yourself." I feel as though a significant amount of energy is wasted by those against partying, seeing it as merely getting drunk, when really getting drunk is just the inhibitor to be social or force oneself into the stupendous romance of the night being at your fingertips, no thought process whatsoever.
Note: this is not a advertisement for drinking and/or partying. The idea in itself is fantastic, welcoming, conformist in regards to who of one's social network (or neighborhood for that matter) is partaking in this common combination of actions.
Then again, opening a book or seeing a movie is just as liberating for some. Regardless, the same idea of freedom is still present. I really just wish we all find that in some form or another. There's nothing worse than being in a purgatory (especially if it's self imposed!) with no foreseeable exit strategy.
Perhaps that's what being young represents, the opportunity to lay a set foundation. Maybe it's just being healthy that enables such a freedom. Maybe it's an iPhone. Maybe it's a car. Maybe it's a song.
"Me I'm trying just to get to second base
And I'd steal it if she only gave the sign"
I'll be,
P.S.... PPH #5 shown above. Jersey City's Exchange Place. No clocks, no bathrooms, a maze of hallways, a very large set of escalators and neon lights. I felt like I fell into Myst set in a Las Vegas cellar. Asked around and got ZERO help, like robots reciting the same lines over and over. Yes I asked the same question twice (it didn't get answered). WTF.
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