To blog or not to blog...
Shakespeare man, what a guy!
Twitter is nice an all, but when your facebook wall looks like a self-created real-time wikipedia entry it's time to chill out on it. So here I am! Slightly more focused are these entries. Elaborate would be a better word...
Just passed New Hyde Park. I don't mind this LIRR business, or these Long Island shenanigans. Uncharted waters are where I like to swim. I believe I've said this before, but I do believe life will hoist me onto the next big plateau upon reaching an understanding of the Tri-State area. CT? Check. NJ? Half-way there, let's just call it a / for now... NYC? I think this is a check, save Staten Island. I mean, I took the Ferry when I was like 11, does that count? Long Island is most definitely foreign to me... So here I am!
Note: not to say that the Tri-State reigns supreme or anything, I do believe that it represents a perfect microcosm of the rest of the country. Northeastern Connecticut IS Kentucky... Seriously.
Maybe I'm waiting for the next plateau a bit too much. Maybe my discoveries of the past week ARE a new plateau and I've never realized it, or won't realize it until I'm older... God Bless Apple Inc. for this metropolitan 20-something self-reflection device. It's working wonders as my sole companion on this journey.
...OK... And my guitar...
...and my moleskin...
And you...