My diet as of late has consisted of coffee, whole grain pasta, falafel and protein bars. Is that good? Bad? Ugly? Beats me. I AM using Newman's Own pasta sauce however...
It feels pretty good, don't know if it's the healthiest but, "If it Makes you happyyyyyy, it can't be that baaaaaaaaaaaad." thanks Sheryl.
Speaking of her, how heavy was the Michael Jackson memorial today?!?! I was all choked up for pretty much the entire thing. I mean, he was the MASTER of the movement on the stage, and there he is......... MOTIONLESS in a casket. That alone is surreal to me.
His daughter, John Mayer sans vocals, Jermaine doing Smile... Such honest and powerful speakers too, nothing too out of line, save Usher who I thought crossed a serious line by touching MJs casket. That just me?
Berry Gordy coined it in an official setting, "the greatest entertainer who ever lived," Couldn't agree more.
Stevie Wonder obviously had such a powerful performance. I said this earlier today, but is Stevie not the perfect person to play a memorial service? His incredible Faith, not to mention vocal talent, is soooooooo soooothing, always capturing the intensity of the mood whenever he sings.... Luther Vandross, Obama inauguration, etc...
Michael Jackson was SO big. His songs were HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE. Only Michael could do Heal The World and We Are The World.
Hopefully people will lay off him now for being such an abstract recluse. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that the congresswoman reiterated that the justice system ACTUALLY works and that MJ was ACQUITTED... What's with that hater republican sounding off these past couple of days? Not hating on his affiliation, but maybe he's just having an identity crisis as those party members seem to be having nowadays... I digress...
I just feel really satisfied now that MJ was put on record for having a beautiful life that we all could love him for. I would hate for the noise of the media to drown out his message.
Never again a star of his magnitude. Such a great reminder of the American Dream. Perfection. Never giving up.
Positive thought, through and through....
Living in the King's shadow,